Use Case 4
Modernize Old Buildings
Improve energy savings with accurate temperature measurements
• Case Study: Mason Place
Many older multifamily buildings were equipped with fan coil units that were state of the art at one time but are now inefficient. In many cases, thermostats were placed incorrectly and mounted on top of the fan coil so the thermostat measures the wall temperature, not the room temperature. And after all, the goal is to measure the ambient temperature in the room where people are. When a thermostat isn’t functioning or measuring correctly, it’s easy for the building to under or over heat.
In buildings like Mason Place, Embue accurately measures the ambient temperature in a unit using a separate battery powered temperature and humidity sensor rather than relying on the thermostat mounted on the fan coil unit, resulting in improved energy savings and fewer temperature oscillations.
Embue unit using a separate battery powered temperature and humidity sensor
Read more about how Embue helps protect the asset in our Mason Place case study.
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